全世界真空手連盟 総真会館

The WSKO was born to support many martial artists and schools who came demanding a place to feel identified and to guide them in the way of true way and spirit of real Budo Karate.

The WSKO SOSHINKAIKAN has now grown into a worldwide based organization with Branches located around the world.
The WSKO SOSHINKAIKAN under the leadership of Shihan Andrew Rekunow 8th Dan, USA who follows the true principles Budo Karate.

The Honbu Dojo – Headquarters of the World Shin Karate Organization SOSHINKAIKAN is located in Los Angeles, California, USA.

The WSKO SOSHINKAIKAN was established to carry on and pass on a system and spirit of true Budo Karate Full Contact.

We have developed a new approach in order to achieve and contribute to a better society, which is based on tolerance, love and peace.

We have grown rapidly with the dedicated help of our Board Members, Branch Chiefs and students around the world and now have a strong presence in every continent, namely Europe, America, Asia, Oceania and Africa.

Shin Karate SOSHINKAIKAN is a powerful Full Contact Karate System and when you join you can be assured that you are joining one of the most prestigious and authentic traditional Martial Arts Organization’s in the world.

The WSKO SOSHINKAIKAN apart from primarily being a Full Contact Karate System strives to offer real Budo Karate under the following rules, making Shin Karate truly a Martial Art system for all ages, abilities and ambitions.

• Knockdown Kumite
• Full Contact Kumite (gloves)
• Semi Contact Kumite (gloves)
• Point Kumite (gloves)
• Kata

Why Join Our Organization?

• Accreditation
If you are an independent school owner looking to gain international recognition, please consider our Organisation to help and gain affiliation to an international martial arts network.

• Education
The WSKO SOSHINKAIKAN offers instructor certification, school coaching, and many martial art programs and disciplines. Comprehensive Instructor and Student support services resources are available.

• Resources
Complete Video resources for all elements of our Syllabus for our members to include curriculums, programs, and access to a vast network of qualified martial art instructors. Private online groups to chat and discuss and aspects of your training and our club.

Interested in establishing a Shin Karate Branch in your region?

Dear Shihan, Sensei, Master thank you for your interest to World Shin Karate Organization SOSHINKAIKAN!

The World Shin Karate Organization SOSHINKAIKAN is open to all styles of Martial Arts and Budoka worldwide and we appreciate your achievements in other Martial Arts! If you have a Dan Grade in another similar Karate Organization this will be taken into consideration by the reviewing committee.

All Membership applications must be evaluated and approved by WSKOS HQ. The first step in affiliating your group with the WSKOS you must fill the APPLICATION FORM of World Shin Karate Organisation SOSHINKAIKAN.

The Headquarters office will review you your group and its activities. Together the WKSOS Board will decide as to whether your affiliation should be approved. Upon approval, notification will be sent from the WSKO HQ to your group. If you a successful you will receive;

  • Internationally recognized Rank and Instructor Certification
  • Regular regional and international Training Camps
  • Instructor Certification Training
  • Official WSKO Branch Certificate in Japanese style;
  • Your name, photo and your Dojo location will be added on the official website of World Shin Karate Organization SOSHINKAIKAN:

For more detailed information, please contact the Headquarters of WKSOS.

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Best regards!
Yours in Budo

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